The Power of Intention: What's Yours?

Athleta has this new promotion that centers around intention. It reminds of my practicing yoga and living life with purity  of intent. I gained that wisdom in class one day.  I think that this is such a beautiful focus. The site mentions the following things to consider when developing your focus of intent.

You are the creator of your life.

Make contact with your heart so your intention has passion and excitement.

Where the mind goes, energy flows.

Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t. 

Watch your language.




What is even greater about this focus, is that Athleta is giving away s $200 gift card for six people who send in creative intentions.  Click the image below to visit the site.  I went ahead and sent in my own power of intention submission. Let’s hope I make it to the topic six. Scroll down to see the picture I created for inspiration below!

intention contest
